Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Die at the Helm makes Outdoors NW's top ten

"We love the detail stitching and the old school snaps on this bag." -Outdoors NW

The magazine Outdoors NW recently release their list of the top ten bags to haul around your goods with you. They included Die at the Helm! You can read the full review here.

Outdoors NW is a small-press magazine written for outdoors enthusiast. The parent company is a Seattle-based family-owned business specializing in publishing outdoor recreational magazines and guidebooks.

They are also having a pinterest contest called "Pin It to Win It". The idea is to repin the bag that you fancy and then which ever bag is repinned the most will be awarded to one random follower.

The review will be released in print in the July/August edition of Outdoors NW.